2011/08/11 20:56 | by turbozv ]

2011/05/26 11:04 | by turbozv ]

If you cannot unlock the phone or have any issue with Windows Phone 7 Developer Registration Tool, please read the following FAQ:
1. "Error communicating with the developer portal. Please try again later (ErrorCode:0x64)"
* Please set the correct date time on the phone.
Go "Settings" => "date+time" => "Set automatically : OFF", set the correct the date time and time zone. (DevUnlock requires https handshake with DevPortal, so incorrect date time caues connection issue)
* Make sure the network connection to DevPortal is ok.
Make sure you don't use PROXY in the network settings. (proxy is not supported)
Go "IE", make sure you can acceess "https://developerservices.windowsphone.com/" (I know it's "Service Error 403", don't worry, just make sure you see this in IE). If you cannot, please try to disable your WIFI or 3G and try again. (Just FYI, your device can connect the Internet via your PC)
2. "The device is not connected or Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched and device is connected."
* Zune must be running
* Zune must have partnership with the device
* Please run this command after you Zune syncs up complete with your device
"netstat -an | findstr 27077", make sure you see "TCP LISTENING". If not, please unplug and plug your device again.
1. "Error communicating with the developer portal. Please try again later (ErrorCode:0x64)"
* Please set the correct date time on the phone.
Go "Settings" => "date+time" => "Set automatically : OFF", set the correct the date time and time zone. (DevUnlock requires https handshake with DevPortal, so incorrect date time caues connection issue)
* Make sure the network connection to DevPortal is ok.
Make sure you don't use PROXY in the network settings. (proxy is not supported)
Go "IE", make sure you can acceess "https://developerservices.windowsphone.com/" (I know it's "Service Error 403", don't worry, just make sure you see this in IE). If you cannot, please try to disable your WIFI or 3G and try again. (Just FYI, your device can connect the Internet via your PC)
2. "The device is not connected or Zune software is not launched. Retry after making sure that Zune software is launched and device is connected."
* Zune must be running
* Zune must have partnership with the device
* Please run this command after you Zune syncs up complete with your device
"netstat -an | findstr 27077", make sure you see "TCP LISTENING". If not, please unplug and plug your device again.